How will the study be carried out?
This study will follow the James Lind Alliance (JLA) approach. The JLA is a UK-based non-profit initiative that has developed a Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) process to identify and prioritise unanswered questions i.e., ‘evidence uncertainties’ in specific conditions or areas of healthcare. In this first anonymous survey, we ask you to tell us the research questions about reducing and stopping psychiatric medicines that you would like answered. The survey responses will then be checked against existing evidence to see if answers exist already. Questions to which the answers are not known will form the basis of a future survey.
What psychiatric medicines is the study looking at?
This study is looking at the following classes of medicines:
anti-anxiety medicines, antipsychotics, mood stabilisers, sleeping tablets, stimulants
(excluding illegal drugs) and gabapentinoids.
For a more detailed list with examples of the types of medicines we are focusing on, please click here.
What does tapering mean?
Tapering refers to the process of gradually reducing and stopping psychiatric medicines.
Who can take part?
Individuals aged 18 years and older with lived experience of taking/stopping psychiatric medicines, family members, friends, carers/ supporters and healthcare professionals.
Are there any risks to me or others if I take part?
There are no apparent risks if you take part.
However, the survey does contain questions that relate to
experiences of mental health. If any questions provoke difficult emotions or memories for you, please talk to a person/group or healthcare professional who provides you with support. If you are considering stopping your medicines, please contact the healthcare professional who prescribed the medicines, such as your General Practitioner/Primary Care Physician.
Who is organising and funding this research?
This study is being organised by Miriam Boland (pharmacist and PhD candidate) at Trinity College Dublin under the supervision of Dr Cathal Cadogan and Prof. Agnes Higgins.
The PhD is funded through the 1252 PhD Scholarship Programme, an internal scholarship scheme in Trinity College Dublin. This research is not being funded by the pharmaceutical industry.
Where will I find more information?
For more information about the study, please read the Participant Information Leaflet (click here to access).
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